3 years ago

Title I
What is the goal of Title I?

The goal of Title I is to provide funding for instructional services and activities which support students in meeting the state's challenging performance standards.

How does a school receive Title I funds?

First, the federal government provides funding to each state.  Next, the Mississippi Department of Education sends this money to the school districts.  Last, the Lamar County School District's Director of Federal Programs determines each school's portion based on the number of low-income students attending that school. 
How does this money promote the Title I goal, which is to support students in meeting the state's challenging performance standards?

Title I Programs offer: 
  • Additional assistants and tutors
  • opportunities for professional development for staff
  • Individualized programs for students
  • Additional teaching materials and technology which supplement the regular classroom instruction. 
 What is a school-wide program?

If a school has a poverty rate above 40 percent, then federal, state, and local funds are used to operate a "schoolwide program" with the purpose of upgrading the instructional program for the whole school.   Baxterville School has a schoolwide program based on the number of free and reduced lunch participants.

How can parents have a voice in the Title I Program?

Parents receive the Parental Involvement Plan which was developed with input from parents and teachers.   This policy must ensure that the school will: 
  • Invite parents to an annual meeting to inform them about Title I and explain their right to be involved.
  • Offer a flexible number of parent meetings throughout the year.
  • Involve parents in Title I planning.
  • Provide parents profiles, their child's individual assessment results, curriculum, assessments, and proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
  • Include a school-parent compact, which is reviewed and signed.